Efficient Global Relocation Strategy

If your organization is expanding into new markets, having the right personnel on-site is crucial. Are you just beginning to send employees overseas, or do you view employee mobility as an integral and vital aspect of your talent management strategy?

Human Entrance is a global mobility and relocation services agency that assists in developing and reviewing your mobility policies, providing cost estimates, and sourcing relevant data. Some common inquiries include: Can my employee work abroad? What if my employee falls ill during the assignment? How should I handle merit increases and bonuses for my employee? What service providers are available to support the move? We can provide you with best practice benchmarks and answers to all of these inquiries.

Managing Mobility Programs

We possess extensive expertise in managing the expectations of our international clients, actively devising guidelines to guarantee the success of your global mobility program. We aid in the development of streamlined processes, ensuring the utilization of best practices. Our support includes evaluating the performance of various stakeholders within the mobility program and implementing necessary changes. Furthermore, our clients rely on our knowledge and experience to assist them in benchmarking, designing, and implementing their global mobility policies.

Collaboratively with our clients, we aim to construct a robust and cost-effective mobility program that enhances the relocation experience for your employees.

No matter the scale of your move, we're here to serve as your dedicated move management partner. Experience simplicity with just one contact point and one invoice for your entire project.

For further information, feel free to reach out to us – your trusted relocation partner.

Assistance for Global Mobility

  • Global Mobility Program Management
  • In-depth cost projections and data research
  • Consultation on policy development and process optimization
  • Efficient Move Management services
  • Strategic vendor sourcing and management